** And Brownie points for anyone who started singing the actual full theme song to which I am referring to.
Virtual Races:
After looking at my racing calendar I had to stop and think how am I going to afford this? I love running and want to take advantage of it all, but my pockets only run so deep. So while stalking a facebook group that I was graciously accepted into, I found my solution to my problem- virtual runs.
So what's a virtual run:
A virtual run is a run offered by an individual or organization that sign up for and run on your own time, your own location, and report back your achievement. In turn, you get to support someone's else fundraising a la Team in Training, or in this case ASPCA, run and get a nifty medal in return.
Who did you support:
I supported Ms. Diaz's efforts for ASPCA by purchasing two of her events. One for Pluto cupcake (which was so fitting) and Mickey's cupcake medals. You chose what length you are going to run 1mile walk/run, 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon or full (run/walk/skip... whatever) and off you go!
What did you choose:
I went both times with the 10Ks and did just a little bit extra.
How do you prove it:
It's really honor's system. Yet, if you want to you are more than welcome to post on the facebook page that you find it on. Normally, the officiant will let you know where you can send results into. Oh, and you don't need a fancy Garmin watch (which is lovely) to track it. There a plenty of free apps for that for android and iPhone including mapmyrun and runkeeper. I intentionally made my announcements that I was running on Mondays to keep me to it. After you are done, just post it on the site.
How do you pay:
Depends on the person, some go through Active.com and others go through paypal.
When do you get your medals:
That too depends on the person. Some send it out as each participant completes. Others send out when you complete a series. I'm not too worried about when they get to me, again they tend to be for good causes and I'm just trying to help.
Will you do again:
HECK YA! I'm scouting for Disney themed virtual races, so if you see any, please send them my way.
Is there is an easy place to reference them all:
Hmmm. Yes and no. I googled, however found a great facebook page. I think it's a closed group so you need to be patient to be let in, if it is open say hello and see which will be your first. Also, stay positive and considerate of others.
P.S. Ms. Diaz has a few new cupcakes out... here's one the Tinkerbell cupcake. There is also Dumbo which opens tomorrow pics of the sample below.
Happy Running!
Oh!!! I love this post! I have seen all of the posts for virtual races and never quite knew what it was all about (and a little shy to ask!). These are super cute medals! I am definitely going to have to check these out!!